The next morning, with skateboard and camera in hand, I ventured out in the city on a blustery day to see what I could get into. The architecture was the perfect mix of old and new, the skyline was phenomenal.
The highlight of the day was after the mission when I returned to the hotel to "mentally prepare" for a five hour bus ride at a friend's room. After "mentally preparing" on the 11th floor, I notice that I had very little time to get to my room on the 12th floor, grab my bags and run down to the bus. Upon entering the staircase I hear the door click shut behind me, a noise that was completely unimportant and trivial at the time. I ascend a story to the 12th floor and to my horror the door is locked. 4 months of using staircases in hotels and never a locked door. The sign on the door reads, "Door Locked, Exit on ground floor only." Ok, that is a little weird. I go up another level and see the same sign on the door. Oh shit, I am getting a little nervous now. I go down another story and see the same sign, door locked. I can't help but laugh at my misfortune here after I curse the heavens for this odd twist of fate. The time is now 11:47. the bus leaves at 12 and there is a $50 per minute fine, given that the bus does not leave without me, meaning my job has been given the kaibash.
I charge down those 12 flights of stairs in about 4 minutes, now breaking a sweat and huffing and puffing. Finally, I exit at the ground floor and see everyone getting on the bus, which means I have about 5 minutes and I still haven't packed yet. After almost knocking over a few people I get on the elevator back up to the 12th, throw my clothes in a suitcase and leave with no time to see if I forgot anything.
I board the bus at 11:59 and am greeted by a chorus of mockery and teasing for almost missing the bus. Mother f*&%$er's, you don't know what I have just been through. Thank the heavens I was mentally prepared enough to survive that bus ride and the torrent of teasing and insults (because I am never late, no doubt). On to the final leg of the journey now.
Good bye Chicago, ol Greggy will miss ya baby, don't forget about me.
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